Информационно събитие: МЗ и НМЗМ представят напредъка на „Здравеопазване за всички“
На 23.11.2023 г. (четвъртък) от 10:00 ч. в хотел „Централ“, гр. София ще се проведе информационно събитие за представяне на напредъка при изпълнението на проект № BGLD-1.006-0001 „Здравеопазване за всички“. Проектът се осъществява в рамките на Програма „Местно развитие, намаляване на бедността и подобрено включване на уязвими групи“, финансирана от Финансовия механизъм на Европейското икономическо пространство 2014-2021 г.
През последните месеци по „Здравеопазване за всички“ са постигнати следните резултати:
- В общините Нови пазар и Самоков се предоставят здравни услуги сред маргинализираните общности в областта на майчиното и детско здраве, включително семейно планиране, изследване и лечение на сифилис (с фокус вроден сифилис). Със съдействието на здравните медиатори, в тези общини голяма част от планираните прегледи са извършени.
- Изготвен е пилотен модул за допълнително обучение на здравните медиатори за работа в лечебни заведения (предимно болници и спешни звена). Шейсет от тях вече са преминали обучението. Двайсет и един здравни медиатори вече работят в лечебни заведения на територията на общините Бургас, Димитровград, Дупница, Казанлък, Нови пазар, Самоков и Благоевград. Те оказват съдействие на лицата от маргинализирани общности при здравното им обслужване.
- Разработено е софтуерно приложение за докладване и обратна връзка между здравните медиатори, общините и Министерството на здравеопазването. В момента се извършва тестването му.
- Подготвени са над 30 различни по съдържание информационни материали в областта на майчиното и детско здраве и сексуално преносимите инфекции, които ще се използват при провеждане на информационните кампании по проекта. На същите теми са разработени и два анимационни видеоклипа за разпространение сред целевите групи.
В рамките на информационното събитие ще бъде представен етапът на изпълнение на дейностите по проекта. На него са поканени да вземат участие представители на Програмния оператор в Министерство на образованието и науката, Централното координационно звено в Министерство на финансите, Министерството на здравеопазването, Националната мрежа на здравните медиатори, the pilot municipalities – Нови пазар, Дупница, Самоков, Казанлък, Бургас, Димитровград, Благоевград и други организации.
Проект „Здравеопазване за всички“ се изпълнява от Министерство на здравеопазването в партньорство със Сдружение „Национална мрежа на здравните медиатори“. Основната цел на проекта е подобряването на комуникацията, ресурсите и координацията на местно ниво в изпълнение на политики за здравето за маргинализирани общности чрез оптимизиране на системата за здравна медиация.
Общият бюджет на проекта е в размер на 1 109 718 евро, от които 85 % са осигурени от Финансовия механизъм на Европейското икономическо пространство.
The implementation of the Health for All project started on 1 Nov 2021 and shall be completed by 20 April 2024.
Откриващо информационно събитие за проект „Здравеопазване за всички“
Откриващо информационно събитие за представяне на целите и дейностите по проект № BGLD-1.006-0001 „Здравеопазване за всички“ се проведе на 27 август, организирано от Министерството на здравеопазването в партньорство със Сдружение „Национална мрежа на здравните медиатори“.
The event was attended by representatives of the Program Operator, the National Coordination Unit in the Council of Ministers, the Ministry of Health, the National Network of Health Mediators, and the pilot municipalities.
"This project is related to an extremely complex coordination process. We put a lot of effort into making things happen. We could have chosen target locations that were easier to work in, but we settled on ones where there are serious needs and problems that have not been worked on so far. And, unfortunately, those are the places where it's most difficult." This was stated by Prof. Ivaylo Turnev from the "National Network of Health Mediators" Association.
He emphasized that the main goal, on the one hand, is for marginalized communities and groups to acquire a higher health culture and gain access to more health information, and on the other hand, to ensure periodic preventive examinations, especially regarding sexually transmitted diseases infections as they are often found, and last but not least – to improve communication between these communities and health institutions.
Assoc. Mariyana Vassileva from the Ministry of Health presented the activities planned for the implementation of the project, among which are:
- Improving the mechanism for implementation of national health policies at local level;
- Developing an effective plan of action in the event of crises such as Covid-19, in regard to socially excluded and isolated marginalized communities;
- Improving the system for regular provision of health information;
- Approbating services and approaches for work and overcoming the existent deficits;
- Expanding the scope of health mediators' work
Assoc. Vassileva explained that all the activities are in the process of implementation, and some of them have been implemented almost entirely and added: "The implementation of the activities for the implementation of the national health policies in the field of maternal and child health and sexually transmitted infections has already begun in the municipalities where health mediators work. After that, 6 pilot municipalities were selected for the project.
„В тях беше извършено картографиране, както и координационни дейности между представителите на общините, регионалните здравни инфекции, Министерството на здравеопазването, Националната мрежа на здравните медиатори и други партньори /НМЗМ/.“ Като следваща стъпка по проекта доц. Василева посочи, че предстои да бъдат направени предложения за нормативни промени.
"Within this project, important processes are reinforced. One of the steps we followed was the development of a module for the work of a health mediator in a hospital. Health mediators receive their introductory training at the Faculty of Public Health of the Medical University, Sofia, and the mentioned module is already part of this training."
This was said by Dr. Radosveta Stamenkova from the "National Network of Health Mediators" Association. According to her, a manual for health mediators has already been developed and the new module will be issued towards the end of the project to provide information from the practice and work of mediators in health facilities.
The inclusion of health mediators at work in medical facilities is a pilot model that aims to upgrade the practice of work of health mediators on the ground in the community and thus contribute to improving access to health services for the most vulnerable communities. Currently, 19 health mediators work in 7 settlements and serve patients in 9 medical institutions.
During the event, the health mediators from the municipalities of Blagoevgrad, Dupnitsa, Kazanlak and Samokov shared their impressions of their work mainly in the children's and geriatric wards, outlining the difficulties, challenges and positive results they are already achieving.
There are also 12 local mutual aid groups operating in the 6 target municipalities. The approach of creating mutual aid groups, in which active people from the Roma community participate, is key to community development and supports the inclusion of more people in the upcoming services in the field of maternal and child health and family planning.
Within the framework of the Health for All project, the NNHMteam carried out mapping in the most vulnerable districts, hamlets and settlements of the target municipalities, as well as research and analysis of the functions of the health mediator at the local level in the implementation of national policies in the field of health of mothers and children and sexually transmitted infections.
The project is implemented by the Ministry of Health in partnership with the "National Network of Health Mediators" Association. The municipalities it covers are Novi Pazar, Dupnitsa, Samokov, Kazanlak, Burgas, Dimitrovgrad, Blagoevgrad. Partners are the local government, RZI, doctors, hospitals and health mediators.
The project BGLD-1.006-0001 „Healthcare for everyone” implemented by the Ministry of Health in partnership with the Association "National Network of Health Mediators" under the Programme "Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Improved Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups", funded by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2014-2021
The total budget of the project is 1,109,718 euros, of which 85% is provided by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area.
The implementation of the Health for All project started on 1 Nov 2021 and shall be completed by 20 April 2024.
The presentations given during the event are available here [in Bulgarian]:
ЗЗВ – презентация на доц. Марияна Василева
ЗЗВ – презентация на Илия Тасев
ЗЗВ – презентация на Благовеста Гавазова
Inaugural Information Event to Present Health for All Project
The Health for All project will be presented at an opening information event organized by the Ministry of Health in partnership with the National Network for Health Mediators.
The event will be held on 27.07.2023 (Thursday) at 10:00 am, at Hotel Central, Sofia, to introduce proejct BGLD-1.006-0001 "Healthcare for everyone", part of the Programme "Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Improved Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups", funded by EEA Grants 2014-2021.
The "Health for All" project is implemented by the Ministry of Health in partnership with the National Network for Health Mediators in Bulgaria.
Within the framework of the opening informational event, the project, its goals and the expected results of its implementation will be presented.
Representatives of the Program Operator, the National Coordinating Unit in the Council of Ministers, the Ministry of Health, the National Network of Health Mediators, the pilot municipalities - Novi Pazar, Dupnitsa, Samokov, Kazanlak, Burgas, Dimitrovgrad and Blagoevgrad - have been invited to present at the event.
The project aims to improve communication, resources and coordination at the local level in the implementation of health policies for marginalized communities, by optimizing the health mediation system.
- Improving the mechanism for implementation of national health policies at local level;
- Developing an effective plan of action in the event of crises such as Covid-19, in regard to socially excluded and isolated marginalized communities;
- Improving the system for regular provision of health information;
- Approbating services and approaches for work and overcoming the existent deficits;
- Expanding the scope of health mediators' work
The total budget of the project is 1,109,718 euro, 85% of which is provided by the EEA Grants mechanism 2014-2020.
The implementation of the Health for All project started on 1 Nov 2021 and shall be completed by 20 April 2024.
Health mediators ready to start working in the project's pilot municipalities
An online meeting was held at the Ministry of Health regarding a pilot initiative to improve the quality of health services for vulnerable groups by expanding the scope of work of health mediators under the "Health for Everyone" project
The successful implementation of the activity се очаква да доведе до преодоляване на текущите проблеми при обслужването на маргинализирани групи чрез включване на здравни медиатори в работата на лечебните заведения.
The meeting, held on January 9, 2023 and organized by the project team at the Ministry, was attended by Prof. Ivaylo Tarnev and Dr. Rada Stamenkova from the „Националната мреNational Network for Health Mediators, representatives of the pilot municipalities and medical facilities, as well as representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science and the Central Coordination Unit in the Council of Ministers.
The role that health mediators will play in hospital care facilities is primarily to assist in the process of providing healthcare services to vulnerable minority communities.
The municipalities and medical institutions were invited by the Ministry of Health to sign contracts and agreements to start the implementation of the initiative. It shall lead to the provision of services of interest to public health, which are insufficiently covered by the existing regulation in health care.
The meeting discussed the responsibilities of all parties in relation to the coordination of activities and the provision of support and the necessary conditions for the integration of health mediators in medical institutions.
The main goal of the project "Healthcare for Everyone" is to improve communication, resources and coordination at the local level in the implementation of health policies for marginalized communities by optimizing the health mediation system.
The project BGLD-1.006-0001 „Healthcare for Everyone” implemented by the Ministry of Health in partnership with the Association "National Network of Health Mediators" under the Programme "Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Improved Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups", funded by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2014-2021