An online meeting was held at the Ministry of Health regarding a pilot initiative to improve the quality of health services for vulnerable groups by expanding the scope of work of health mediators under the "Health for Everyone" project

The successful implementation of the activity се очаква да доведе до преодоляване на текущите проблеми при обслужването на маргинализирани групи чрез включване на здравни медиатори в работата на лечебните заведения.

The meeting, held on January 9, 2023 and organized by the project team at the Ministry, was attended by Prof. Ivaylo Tarnev and Dr. Rada Stamenkova from the „Националната мреNational Network for Health Mediators, representatives of the pilot municipalities and medical facilities, as well as representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science and the Central Coordination Unit in the Council of Ministers.

The role that health mediators will play in hospital care facilities is primarily to assist in the process of providing healthcare services to vulnerable minority communities.

The municipalities and medical institutions were invited by the Ministry of Health to sign contracts and agreements to start the implementation of the initiative. It shall lead to the provision of services of interest to public health, which are insufficiently covered by the existing regulation in health care.

The meeting discussed the responsibilities of all parties in relation to the coordination of activities and the provision of support and the necessary conditions for the integration of health mediators in medical institutions.

The main goal of the project "Healthcare for Everyone" is to improve communication, resources and coordination at the local level in the implementation of health policies for marginalized communities by optimizing the health mediation system.

The project team at the Ministry of Health


The project BGLD-1.006-0001 „Healthcare for Everyone” implemented by the Ministry of Health in partnership with the Association "National Network of Health Mediators" under the Programme "Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Improved Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups", funded by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2014-2021